Alright, so one of the biggest gaming questions right now is when is the PS4 and Xbox One going to be released. Well I may be able to narrow it down to the smallest possible time frame with some information that may or may not have been prematurely given.
Recently, Sony released an image showing an eclipse that apparently was teasing the PS4 release. The image is titled "When Worlds Collide" perhaps referencing the real world and the gaming/fantasy world.
Now... I found out that the next lunar eclipse is supposed to happen November 3rd this year. EXCITING RIGHT?! Well.. not exactly. You see, further research into the alleged "teaser" proved that the image actually was teasing a new title that Sony was developing... little depressing, but I have more good news.
Just a couple days ago, I went and finally got my pre-order fixed with my local GameStop, so that I'll be able to pick up and play the day/night (midnight) when it's released. (Believe me, this is one midnight release I REFUSE to miss haha) While I was there I went ahead and preordered a few more games, (which I'll be paying off for a few more months >.>) including Call of Duty: Ghosts for the PS4. Well, when games are going to come out for the next gen console, they'll release the game with the console too yeah? Well this morning I got an email from GameStop stating that I'll be able to pick up my copy of CoD:Ghosts on November 5th... WHAT?! So it's still the first week of November that the console will be released!
This is truly exciting, I'm a little hoping that the message was sent out prematurely, because I did not get any other, of the games I pre-ordered, messages like this. Does this guarantee that it's the actual release date? No, but it does give us a window to hope for. Considering the situation, if Sony can get their console on the shelves Before the Xbox One, it will give them an even bigger edge in the console market, though I think that they'll try and release at the same time this go around.
Thanks for reading! Please feel free to send in things you'd like me to cover still, I'd be happy to research and find out what's going on for you. ^_^